It’s a narrow channel, causing a fast moving current. The Current Cut is great for diving, snorkeling and swimming. In fact, it is said that: “This dive may be one of the highlights of your whole life”

The pointed tips of Eleuthera and the adjacent island named Current are only about 300 foot apart. It’s two islands tip-to-tip which form the Current Cut.
As the tide on the north-western side – the Atlantic side – starts to rise, it is still falling on the south-eastern or Caribbean side – actually the Exuma sound.
After two hours it starts to rise in the Exuma sound, too. This results in a strong tidal action from the open sea through the Current Cut into Eleuthera Sound, the shallower sea. As the tides changes, the flow is reversed.
It’s fascinating to see the water of the ocean flow like a river however…
The real fun is swimming or snorkeling or rather being washed through the cut, provided of course you are a good swimmer.
Just to avoid any confusion — Current island is across from Current settlement. So, Current is the island across from Eleuthera and Current settlement is the village on North-Eleuther’a southern most tip.
The diving in this part of The Bahamas is among the most diverse in the region. The most spectacular dive site, judged among the 10 top dives in the world, is the Current Cut Dive.
One of the fastest drift dives in the world, it involves descending into the fast-moving flow racing between the rock walls that define the underwater chasm between two islands.
Swept up with schools of stingrays, mako sharks,
and reef fish, divers are propelled along 1 km (2/3 mile) of underwater
distance in less than 10 minutes.

How To Get There
From North-Eleuthera airport go west and turn left at the big gas station.
Drive into the settlement Lower Bogue. At the T-junction turn right. This puts you on the road to Current which is about 14 miles from North-Eleuthera airport.
Drive straight through Current Settlement to a dirt road and continue on it.
You will see a tiny cove which is ideal for entering the Current Cut “river”.